
Fitzroy Precinct Development Plan and Housing Feasibility

Hodyl & Co worked collaboratively with Fender Katsalidis Architects to provide built form and urban design rationale to inform the preparation of a Development Plan Overlay for the Brotherhood of St Laurence’s Fitzroy Precinct that would be responsive to the unique neighbourhood character and support the aspirations of the Brotherhood to create an inclusive and vibrant community hub.

A range of scenarios were considered to determine the most appropriate built form outcomes that would ensure a respectful response to the existing heritage quality, and balance the development potential with visual amenity implications. The recommendation included the pairing of a mandatory FAR requirement alongside a discretionary height limit to deliver an intensity of development that was appropriate for the site while achieving positive amenity and urban design outcomes.

Built form testing

As part of this project, Hodyl & Co worked collaboratively with Savills to develop a Housing Feasibility Report for Fitzroy Precinct to investigate the viability and types of social and affordable housing suited to the Fitzroy Precinct project. This analysis identified opportunities to deliver social and affordable housing aligned with local need and the Brotherhood of St Laurence’s strategic priorities for the site. A range of development feasibility scenarios were tested informed by a clear understanding of the social and affordable housing policy context and innovative funding, delivery and operational models available to support such development.

Housing continuum diagram
Context map

Footscray Built Form Review

Footscray has been identified as Victoria’s newest Priority Precinct. It is an important gateway to the west, known and celebrated for its rich, diverse and creative culture. Our work focuses on the Footscray Activity Centre, the central part of Footscray which is home to Victoria University, the Footscray Market and the Footscray Community Arts Centre. The State Government have committed to supporting the growth of Footscray including $1.5 billion of funding towards the new Footscray Hospital which is estimated to attract 15,000 visitors to the activity centre each year.

Nicholson Street, Footscray.

Hodyl & Co in collaboration with Global South have been engaged to review the existing built form controls in the Activity Centre Zone and propose updated controls that are better positioned to guide the anticipated growth of Footscray into the future. Our work will focus on facilitating design outcomes that secure Footscray’s long-term liveability and respond to its valued and well-established character.